There are several ways to install and manage Cyclops but the easiest way is by using the aescripts + aeplugins manager.

aescripts + aeplugins manager

  1. Download and install the aescripts + aeplugins manager from aescripts + aeplugins.
  2. Log in using your aescripts account to see all purchases.
  3. Select Cyclops and press the Install button.
  4. To install a trial you can select “Add Trial” from the “Account” menu.

ZXP Installer

  1. Download and install the ZXP Installer from aescripts + aeplugins.
  2. Drag the Cyclops.zxp file into ZXP Installer.
  3. Close and restart After Effects.
  4. Open the Cyclops panel in After Effects using Window > Extensions > Cyclops.
  5. Learn more about both automatic and manual installation with ZXP Installer from this tutorial on aescripts + aeplugins.

<aside> ⚠️ Manual installation is really only used by extension developers and is offered here only as a last resort.


Manual Installation

  1. Change the extension of the Cyclops.zxp from .zxp to .zip.

  2. Unzip this newly created to get a folder called Cyclops.

  3. Navigate to the Adobe extensions folder.

    macOs: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
    Windows: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Adobe\\CEP\\extensions
  4. Copy the Cyclops folder to the extensions folder.

  5. Close and restart After Effects.