Below is a list of frequently asked questions.

Cyclops is not rendering nulls, motion paths, or layer bounding boxes inside of precomps even with Collapse Transformation on. Why?

Unfortunately that is a limitation from After Effects not a limitation from Cyclops. You will need to render compositions individually.

Cyclops is not rendering paths on shape layers, masks on solids, roto shapes from mocha, or any other path when multiple layers are selected. Why?

Unfortunately that is a limitation from After Effects not a limitation from Cyclops. I’ve tried to come up with a good solution and I haven’t been able to yet. Let me know if you have an idea!

I don’t have a credit card, I’m having trouble purchasing, I’m a student with limited income, and more...

Contact me directly and we can work something out. Everyone who has wanted or needed a copy of Cyclops has gotten one regardless of any purchasing issues!

Can I become an affiliate?

I do not offer affiliate links at this time.